As you know it is possible to change software and repair corrupted software using fastboot. Sometimes we can get Fastboot errors. And we have compiled some of these errors. In this article you will learn how to fix these errors.
“Fastboot isn’t Recognized as an Internal or External Command” Error
First of all make sure you have ADB drivers installed. follow the steps in this article.
If you facing with this error you have to do add fastboot to path. For adding to path follow these steps.
Type “environment” on search bar and click “Edit the system environment variables for your account”.
After that click select path and click edit.
Click new, and paste your adb’s folder path.
Usually this path is “C:\Program Files (x86)\Minimal ADB and Fastboot” or “C:\adb”.
Then click OK. and re-open cmd. Done! Now you can use Fastboot witch cmd.
Fastboot Don’t See My Phone
If everything is normal and fastboot does not see the phone, follow these steps. You can see this as “fastboot stuck on waiting for device”.
If you can’t see any output message from fastboot like that photo, you have to install drivers manually.
First right click the windows logo and click “device manager”.
Now you will see android device under the other devices tab. Right click to android and click update driver.
Then click “Let me pick drom a list of avaliable drivers on my computer”.
After, click “Android Device”.
Double click Andriod Device and select “Android Bootloader Interface”.
Click next. You will see a warning, ignore it. ADB drivers isn’t harmful for PC.
Now re-open cmd and type “fastboot devices”. You can see your device on cmd.
As you can see “Fastboot can’t see my phone issue” is fixed. Now you can use Fastboot without any error.
Fastboot Stuck on Sending Boot
If Fastboot stucking sending or writing boot/twrp image you can do these;
- Reboot phone to Fastboot again.
- Change cable, use durable and original cable.
- Change connected port. If connected to USB3.0 connect to USB2.0 and try again.
Here are the solutions. If these solutions don’t working try change PC or reset your PC. Most importantly, use an up-to-date windows version must be windows 10 at least. And don’t forget to turn off the antivirus just in case. Some drivers don’t installing because of antivirus.