Snapdragon 680 thiab Snapdragon 678 Sib piv | Qhov twg zoo dua?

Xiaomi tab tom npaj los qhia cov MIUI 13 tus neeg siv interface thiab cov Redmi Cim 11 series rau ntiaj teb no.

Xiaomi qhia cov Redmi Cim 10 series xyoo tas los. Cov Redmi Cim 10 series attracted xim ntawm cov neeg siv. Qhov tseeb hais tias tus qauv saum toj kawg nkaus ntawm lub series, Redmi ntawv 10 Pro, tuaj nrog ib AMOLED zaub nrog ib tug 120HZ refresh npaum li cas yog ib qho kev txhim kho loj tshaj ntawm Redmi ntawv 9 Pro tau nthuav tawm hauv xyoo dhau los. Vim Redmi ntawv 9 Pro tuaj nrog ib IPS LCD npo nrog ib tug 60HZ refresh npaum li cas. Xiaomi tam sim no yuav qhib lub Redmi Cim 11 series sai sai no. Raws li cov ntaub ntawv peb muaj, qhov nkag-theem ntawm koob yuav tuaj nrog cov Redmi Cim 11 Snapdragon 680 chipset. cov Redmi Nco ntsoov 10, uas tau qhia lub xyoo dhau los, tuaj nrog cov Snapdragon 678 chipset. Peb yuav muab piv rau Snapdragon 680 chipset nyob rau hauv lub tshiab qhia Redmi Cim 11 hnub no nrog cov Snapdragon 678 chipset ntawm tiam dhau los Redmi Cim 10. Yog tias koj xav tau, cia peb pib qhov sib piv tam sim no.

Pib nrog cov Snapdragon 678, no chipset, qhia hauv Kaum Hlis 2020, yog ib tug enhanced version ntawm lub Snapdragon 675 tsim nrog Samsung lub 11nm (11LPP) kev tsim technology. Cov Snapdragon 680 chipset, nws lub npe peb nyuam qhuav hnov, tau qhia hauv Lub Kaum Hlis 2021, thiab no chipset yog tsim nrog TSMC's 6nm (N6) ntau lawm technology. Nws yuav tsum tau muab sau tseg tias no chipset yog ib tug txhim khu kev qha version ntawm Snapdragon 662. Qee tus neeg xav txog Snapdragon 680 raws li ib tug enhanced version ntawm Snapdragon 678 tiam sis tej yam tsis zoo li ntawd. Snapdragon 680 yog ib qho kev txhim kho version ntawm Snapdragon 662 thiab peb yuav qhia koj txhua yam hauv kev nthuav dav hauv peb qhov kev sib piv.

Cov ntsiab lus ntawm Chipsets

Yog tias peb tshuaj xyuas CPU ib feem ntawm Snapdragon 678 hauv kev nthuav dav, nws muaj 2 Cortex-A76 kev ua haujlwm cores uas tuaj yeem ncav cuag 2.2GHz moos ceev thiab 6 Cortex-A55 fais fab kev ua haujlwm cores uas tuaj yeem ncav cuag 1.8GHz moos ceev. Yog peb tham txog Cortex-A76, nws yog tus 3rd cev tsim los ntawm ARM's Austin teamCov. Ua ntej lub Cortex-A76 tau qhia, lub pab neeg Austin tau tsim lub Cortex-A57 thiab Cortex-A72. Tom qab ntawd, tus Sophia pab tsim lub Cortex-A73 thiab Cortex-A75 cores. Ib xyoos tom qab lub community launch Cortex-A75, qhov ntev-tsim DynamIQ-powered Cortex-A76 los ntawm lub pab neeg Austin tau qhia. Cortex-A76 yog ib tug superscalar core nrog ib tug Decoder uas hloov los ntawm 3 dav rau 4 dav piv rau Cortex-A75. piv rau Cortex-A75, Cortex-A76 tau zoo heev kev ua tau zoo thiab txuag hluav taws xob. Yog peb yuav tau tham txog Cortex-A55, tus successor ntawm Cortex-A53, Cortex-A55 yog tsim los ntawm Cambdridge team kom muaj zog efficiency. Raws li kev xav tau ntawm kev lag luam mobile, NPAB txhim kho lub cim xeeb subsystem hauv Cortex-A55 tshaj Cortex-A53 thiab kho qee qhov teeb meem kev ua haujlwm nrog lwm tus microarchitecture kev hloov. Thaum kawg, txog qhov tseem ceeb no NPAB ntxiv qee qhov tseem ceeb rau cov Cortex-A55 los ntawm hloov ntawm ARMv 8.0 architecture rau ARMv 8.2 architecture.

Yog tias peb tshuaj xyuas CPU ib feem ntawm Snapdragon 680 hauv kev nthuav dav, nws muaj 4 Cortex-A73 kev ua haujlwm cores uas tuaj yeem ncav cuag 2.4GHz moos ceev thiab 4 Efficiency-oriented Cortex-A53 cores nrog 1.8GHz moos ceev. Snapdragon 662, ntawm qhov tod tes, muaj 4 Cortex-A73 cores nrog ib tug qis moos ceev tshaj Snapdragon 680 thiab 4 Cortex-A53 cores, uas yog tib yam li Snapdragon 680. Nov yog qhov peb tuaj yeem txiav txim siab. Cov Snapdragon 680 tau qhia nrog qee qhov kev hloov me me los ntawm overclocking lub Cortex-A73 tub ntxhais nyob rau hauv lub Snapdragon 662 mus rau lub moos ceev dua. Yog hais tias lub Snapdragon 680 yog ib tug txhim kho version ntawm lub Snapdragon 678, peb yuav pom siab dua clocked Cortex-A76 thiab Cortex-A55 cores es tsis txhob Cortex-A73 thiab Cortex-A53 cores. Snapdragon 680 yog ib tug enhanced version ntawm Snapdragon 662, Cov tsis yog Snapdragon 678.

Raws li rau lub Cortex-A73, nws yog ib tug core tsim los ntawm ARM cov Sophia pab. Cortex-A73 coj 30% kev ua haujlwm thiab 30% zog efficiency nce ntxiv Cortex-A72. Thaum ARM qhia txog qhov Cortex-A73, nws tau tham txog lub zog ua haujlwm ntawm niaj hnub smartphones, uas tseem tsis poob nws qhov tseem ceeb. NPAB tau rov hais dua tias tus kev ua tau zoo of smartphones yuav tsum zoo. Vim smartphones muaj qhov tseeb thermal tsim. Yog koj sim haus 10W lossis ntau dua on smartphones, koj yuav pom tias koj ntaus ntawv yog overheating, lub kev ua tau zoo yog halved thiab koj tsis txaus siab. Yog vim li ntawd NPAB yog sim txhim kho kev ua haujlwm thiab txo hwj chim noj of tshiab CPU cores. Wb tham txog lub Cortex-A53 thiab tom qab ntawd tawm tswv yim rau CPU kev ua tau zoo ntawm Snapdragon 678 thiab Snapdragon 680. Tus successor rau lub Cortex-A7, lub Cortex-A53 yog core tsim los ntawm pab pawg Cambridge nrog ib tug kub siab rau txuag hluav taws xob. Cortex-A53 tau txais 64-ntsis architecture txhawb tsis muaj nyob rau Cortex-A7Cov. Hais txog kev ua tau zoo, lub Cortex-A53 suav nrog kev txhim kho tseem ceeb piv rau cov Cortex-A7, tab sis nws kuj nce hwj chim noj.

Peb yuav siv Geek Bench 5 ntsuam xyuas qhov CPU Performance ntawm cov chipsets. Nov yog Geekbench 5 cov txiaj ntsig ntawm ob lub cuab yeej siv Snapdragon 680 thiab Snapdragon 678:

Snapdragon 678: Ib Core: 531 Multi-Core: 1591
Snapdragon 680: Ib Core: 383 Multi-Core: 1511

Nyob rau hauv lub ib leeg-core qhab-nees, lub Cortex-A76 cores ntawm lub Snapdragon 678 ua qhov sib txawv tseem ceeb. Cov Cortex-A76 muaj 4-wide decoder thaum lub Cortex-A73 muaj 2-wide decoder. Ib qho laj thawj rau cov kev ua tau zoo qhov txawv yog vim tus naj npawb ntawm cov decoders. Snapdragon 678 muaj kev ua tau zoo dua li Snapdragon 680. cov Snapdragon 680 hmoov tsis lags qab lub Snapdragon 678.

GPU kev ua tau zoo

Raws li rau GPU, Snapdragon 678 los nrog Adreno 612 moos ntawm 845MHz thaum Snapdragon 680 los nrog Adreno 610 moos ntawm 1100MHz. Thaum peb piv graphics ua units, Adreno 612 muaj cov nyiaj pab kom zej zos zoo ntxiv tuaj hu ua kev ua tau zoo dua tshaj Adreno 610. Thaum kawg, cia peb tham txog lub Modem thiab Image Signal Processor thiab txiav txim siab peb tus yeej.

Image Signal Processor

cov Snapdragon 678 muaj ib tug dual 14-ntsis duab teeb liab processor hu ua Spectra 250L. Snapdragon 680, Cov ntawm qhov tod tes, muaj a triple 14-ntsis duab teeb liab processor hu ua Spectra 346. Spectra 346 qhov tuaj yeem sau tseg 60FPS yeeb yaj duab ntawm 1080P daws teeb meem, thaum Spectra 250L tuaj yeem sau tseg 30FPS yeeb yaj duab ntawm 4K daws teeb meem. Spectra 250L txhawb lub koob yees duab sensors mus txog 192MP kev daws teeb meem thaum Spectra 346 qhov txhawb lub koob yees duab sensors mus txog 64 MP daws teeb meem. cov Spectra 250L yog ua ntej ntawm Spectra 346 qhov hauv cov teeb meem no. Spectra 250L tuaj yeem kaw cov yeeb yaj kiab nrog kev daws teeb meem ntawm 30FPS 16MP + 16MP nrog ib tug dual lub koob yees duab thiab 30 FPS 25 MP nrog ib tug ib lub koob yees duab. Spectra 346, ntawm qhov tod tes, tuaj yeem tua cov yeeb yaj kiab nrog kev daws teeb meem ntawm 30FPS 13MP + 13MP + 5MP nrog ib tug triple koob yees duab, 30FPS 16MP + 16MP nrog lub koob yees duab dual thiab 30FPS 32MP nrog ib lub koob yees duab. Hauv no hais txog, tus Spectra 346 qhov yog ua ntej ntawm Spectra 246L.


Nyob rau sab modem, nws muaj Snapdragon 678 X12 LTE modem thaum Snapdragon 680 X11 muaj LTE modem. X12 LTE Modem yuav ncav cuag 600 mbps Download thiab 150 mbps Upload nrawm. X11 LTE Modem yuav ncav cuag 390 mbps Download thiab 150 mbps Upload nrawm. Snapdragon 678 nrog X12 LTE modem tuaj yeem ua tiav ntau siab dua download speeds tshaj Snapdragon 680 nrog X11 LTE modem. Nyob rau sab modem, lub tus yeej yog Snapdragon 678.

Yog peb ua qhov kev ntsuam xyuas dav dav, Snapdragon 678 yog ua ntej Snapdragon 680 nyob rau hauv feem ntau cov ntsiab lus. Ua li cas Snapdragon qhia cov Snapdragon 680, Cov ib tug enhanced version ntawm lub Snapdragon 662? Vim li cas Xiaomi xaiv siv cov Snapdragon 680 chipset nyob rau hauv lub Redmi Nco ntsoov 11? Snapdragon tuaj yeem qhia txhua yam chipset nws xav, tab sis nws yog nyob ntawm tus tshuab manufacturers xaiv txoj cai chipsets thiab siv lawv hauv cov khoom siv. Xiaomi yog ua tsis ncaj ncees lawm los ntawm kev siv lub Snapdragon 680 chipset nyob rau hauv lub Redmi Nco ntsoov 11. Piv rau tus Redmi Cim 10, lub Redmi Cim 11 yuav tsis muaj kev txhim kho tseem ceeb hauv kev ua haujlwm thiab yuav ua tsis tau zoo ntawm qee cov ntsiab lus. Lub roj teeb lub neej ntawm lub Redmi Nco ntsoov 11, uas yuav nthuav tawm sai sai, yuav zoo dua me ntsis ntawm cov tiam dhau los Redmi Nco ntsoov 10, tab sis peb tsis xav tias koj yuav hnov ​​qhov txawv. Peb qhia koj kom tsis txhob cia siab ntau los ntawm tiam no. Tsis txhob hnov ​​​​qab ua raws li peb yog tias koj xav pom ntau qhov sib piv.

lwm yam khoom