Instagram quality problem, which is the trouble of android users. You want to share a story at the best moment of the day, but what is that? After sharing, the resolution of the video drops, it becomes a disgrace. Or share a photo, likewise, photo’s resolution drops.
So how do we get past this? Is there any way to get rid of this?
Yes, there is actually a way. You can use Instander.
What is Instander?
Instander is a free modification of the Instagram app for Android devices. It contains many improvements over the original Instagram app. This app offers it’s users extra features that other Instagram users don’t have. These features are:
- Ads have been completely removed. You won’t encounter ads while browsing Instagram or looking at the stories.
- You can download Instagram posts, videos, IGTV videos and stories. This is very useful!
- Thanks to the HQ media feature, you can upload your posts and stories without reducing resolution. HQ media feature is based on preventing Instagram from compressing photos and lowering the bitrate of videos. Nice solution to the trouble of android users.
- With privacy modes, you can read and write messages without anyone’s knowledge. No one notices you and can’t see you on the list of viewers. These features can be turned on/off separately.
There is a good job, admirable. Finally, a developer friend usernamed @the_dise presented the solutions that Meta Corp. didn’t offer for Instagram users. So how do we install Instander on our Android devices? Let’s take a look at the installation phase.
Installation Instander
Your device must be running min. Android 5. Android 4.4 and below isn’t supported.
- Download latest Instander from here. Two versions are available. “Original” and “Clone”. The package name of the “Original” application is the same as official Instagram. You have to delete the official Instagram app to install it. The package name of the “Clone” one is different. You can also install the Instander app without deleting official app. Choice is yours.
- Install the downloaded app.
- Well done. Login your Instagram account and enjoy it.
How to Open HQ Story and Post Quality
- It’s time to activate the most important feature of the app. The menus are in the screenshots below. Press the profile picture. The settings will open. Select “Instander Settings”. Instander settings will open, select “Quality Improvements” from there. That’s it. Activate the options there and enjoy high quality story sharing and posting.
Some Screenshots from Instander
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