Google used to name all their Android updates after desserts. New Android 13 Features will be excellent, and it would have also been called Tiramisu. Take a close look at the quick settings panel, you will see the name there, but of course, Google does not want the public to know about this. It is just a code name used by Google employees internally. Android 13 or Tiramisu has only been around for two months and will get updated until July.
We did not think Android 13 would arrive this faster, but here we are. It is currently in developer preview 2, the very early stages of development. It has got plenty of bugs and things that need to get fixed. Any early updates features will get removed, added, or replaced. If you plan to update now, be aware that it will not be a completely smooth experience.
New Android 13 Features
Even though Android 13 is barely in its developer preview stage, many new features are packed within it, and many possible upcoming features have been discovered within its code. We will cover every new part and any potential forthcoming changes for Android 13.
Media Player UI
Let’s start with the also often altered media player, getting another makeover in Android 13. In the first Android 13 developer preview, a few things were changed. There is album art, and the new player stylizes any media with a large circular play pause button and playback progress bar. You will also get media apps specific controls here, including skip forward, skip backward, shuffle, and even favorite options. It is a significant change to revert back or at least manage to the older player style.
New Android 13 features also expands the usability of the pop-out playback switcher, which is tied to the media player with an added option to pair to a new device directly. This should help streamline getting connected to Bluetooth speakers and headphones as you do not need to close the panel, head straight into settings, and access the more comprehensive pairing controls in the Bluetooth section. This should make things a little bit quicker to get paired.
Priority Mode
Priority mode is the brand new name for do not disturb mode. Opening this might still be known as do not disturb mode, but it will change.
Home Controls
You can control any smart home-connected devices under the banner of home now, rather than the somewhat generic device controls toggle.
Security and Privacy Toggle
Google has now added a new toggle called security and privacy that amalgamates on merges the camera, microphone, and the location access controls under one easy-to-access banner.
Active Apps Toggle
Active Apps toggle will likely help you instantly see what apps are running in the background at any one point in time, and there is also a new option in the notification shade toggle called active apps.
Lockscreen Tweaks
If you get multiple notifications at once in Android 13, you will now see these notifications bundled together once you have more than three.
Notifications Pop-Up
Likely part of the broader enhanced privacy dashboard controls when you launch an app in Android 13, and you may see a pop-up asking if you want to confirm that or allow said application to continue sending notifications. This might be especially useful for seldomly used applications that can clutter and invade your device notifications; that said, this might sporadically appear when you have opened apps for the first time on Android 13 if you have not opened them for a while.
Guest Profile Custom Avatars
While we have been able to create multiple on-device profiles for quite a long time in Android, Google is addressing a minor issue by adding to create and upload your profile images.
Large Screen Taskbar Tweaks
When testing with a tablet-like dpi usually above the 600 mark, you get an app draw button if you have an app currently viewed or visible in fullscreen, making it easier to launch into other apps quickly.
App Languages
If you are multilingual, you can set individual languages on an app-by-app basis.
These are the New Android 13 Features; we have talked about every major change. Do you think these features are good or bad? You can watch our Android 12 DP2 review video here. Comment in the below and let us know what you think!