Xiaomi has announced new Redmi Note 12 series in China. It’s the first time we’ve seen a 200MP camera sensor on Redmi Note series smartphone. It also has some differences compared to the previous series. Along with quality camera sensors, high-performance Dimensity 1080 powers these devices. We can say that all kinds of new Redmi Note series are impressive. You may be wondering when Redmi Note 12 series will be available in different markets. We discovered something important about this today. It has been confirmed that Redmi Note 12 Pro and Redmi Note 12 Pro+ will be available in the Global market. Information we obtained in the IMEI Database supports this!
Redmi Note 12 Pro and Redmi Note 12 Pro+ Appeared in IMEI Database!
New smartphones, Redmi Note 12 Pro and Redmi Note 12 Pro+ have appeared in the IMEI Database. Common codename of these models is “ruby”. Some information we have indicates that these devices will be available in other markets.
Here is the information we obtained in the IMEI Database! Model number of Redmi Note 12 Pro is 22101316G. Redmi Note 12 Pro+ is 22101316UG. Letter “G” at the end of model numbers stands for Global. This confirms that new Redmi Note 12 series will be available in the Global market. Those who want to experience Redmi Note 12 series will be very happy. It is worth noting that.
Redmi Note 12 Pro+ may actually be in Redmi Note 12 Discovery Edition. There are minor differences between Redmi Note 12 Pro+ and Redmi Note 12 Discovery Edition. Most importantly, Redmi Note 12 Pro+ supports 120W fast charging, while Redmi Note 12 Discovery Edition supports 210W super fast charging. So one of the two models can be offered for sale. We don’t know which one will come. Also, what we know is not limited to this. Redmi Note 12 series will come out of the box with Android 12 based MIUI 14.
Last internal MIUI build of Redmi Note 12 series is V14.0.0.4.SMOMIXM. Redmi Note 12 series is sold in China with MIUI 13 based on Android 12. In the global market, it will be offered with Android 12 based MIUI 14 interface. This information is taken from Xiaomi. Therefore it is reliable. Smartphones will be launched with the latest MIUI, MIUI 14. Moreover, it will amaze you with its amazing features. So when will these models be introduced? It will be available on global in the first quarter of 2023. Unfortunately, it is unclear whether it will be introduced in India. For more information about Redmi Note 12 series, you can click here. What do you guys think about this article? Do not forget to express your opinions.