Redmi Note 12 5G series to be launched in India soon!

Redmi Note 12 series has been released but it is not yet on sale globally. We shared specifications and price information of Redmi Note 12 series after it was released in China. You can learn more on Redmi Note 12 series through this link:Redmi Note 12 series launched, take a look at the price and specs of the new phones!

In fact, we have already shared that the Redmi Note 12 5G series will be introduced in India. We expected with help of a post on Twitter that announces Redmi Note 12 series will be available in India, and our prediction turned out to be correct.

Alvin Tse, manager of Xiaomi India has shared a post on Twitter teasing the launch of Redmi Note 12 5G series in India. Alvin Tse announces Redmi Note 12 will be released soon, even though they did not specifically mention Redmi Note 12 series in the past.

You can reach the link shared by Alvin Tse by clicking here. It seems Xiaomi India team will be holding a special event. In this case, you are required to share a post on Twitter using the hashtags #RedmiNote12 and #SuperNote after entering the website and taking a screenshot.

Although they do not share what the prize is, it is obvious that the Xiaomi India team will organize a special event. Don’t forget to tag their Twitter account, @XiaomiIndia in case you want to participate to the event. You can get more details on the link we have given earlier.

What do you think about Redmi Note 12 5G series? Please comment down below!

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