The Moto G64 5G will be announced in India on April 16. However, ahead of that date, Motorola has already partially unveiled the model to fans in a recent short video clip it shared.
The company is supposed to present the handheld next week, but it has already made an unofficial announcement about the phone this Wednesday. The clip reveals the official design of the smartphone, including its minimally curved back and rear rectangular camera island module with two camera units and a flash. The clip also shows the different colors of the phone, including purple, green, and blue.
Interestingly, aside from those details, the company also shared in the video that the device will be powered by the MediaTek Dimensity 7025 chip, confirming earlier reports about it. The brand also revealed that it will offer a 6000mAh battery and a 12GB/256GB configuration. Aside from those things, no other information was shared by Motorola, albeit other reports claimed that the phone will have a 50MP rear camera with OIS.
With today’s news, the Moto G64 5G is expected to launch alongside the unnamed Motorola smartphone on April 16. In a tease shared by the company, it was revealed to be an Edge phone. The post doesn’t contain any additional details about the phone that will be introduced, except for the same “Intelligence meets art” concept the company earlier used in the invites it sent to select media outlets. According to speculations, it could either be the rumored Edge 50 Fusion or the Edge 50 Ultra.