Xiaomi 12 Pro vs Realme GT2 Pro Comparison — Pro Race

Xiaomi 12 Pro vs Realme GT2 Pro, which one of these flagships here should you get if you are thinking about both of these, we know a lot of people are asking comparison of these smartphones, and we will explain these in detail.

They are super similar, there is Snapdragon 8gen1 in both of these. They both have AMOLED 120Hz screens, 6.7 inches versus 6.73, so there is nothing there in the size, and they have both got fast charging 65W vs 120W. A 5000mAh vs 4600, and then the cameras, they are similar too.

Two main cameras, both being 50MP, both of the ultra wides are also 50MP, and then the selfie cameras 32MP, yet again the same exact specs. So, there will be a camera comparison as well as an in-depth look at the build quality. We will be comparing both smartphones according to their benchmarks, battery life, and general performance.

Xiaomi 12 Pro vs Realme GT2 Pro Comparison

The Xiaomi 12 Pro and Realme GT 2 Pro has been launched in the past months, both models look similar each other, and provides high-performance to their users, but which one is the best? We tried to thoroughly answer this question in our article.

Build and Design

We think both smartphones are excellent in general design. The Xiaomi in hand feels just a little more premium because of the materials used to frame around the outside, but that does not mean that the Realme GT2 Pro is bad, either we like the matte finish of this smartphone with 4 different color options. However, Realme GT 2 Pro seems a little less premium because of that matte finish but no fingerprints or smudges sharp on it.


Talking about the screens, both of them 120Hz, both are LTPO Amyloids, but it’s LTPO2 with the Realme GT2 Pro. It has a flat-screen, and similar bezels, and Xiaomi has a curvature to it. So, you get a slight color shift that you do notice. On the very edge, it is not that obvious but it is there.

Both panels are QHD+, you can set it onto FULL HD+. You can adjust the color of them. You can see some banding and sometimes a very small amount of flicker coming through the Xiaomi 12 Pro screen, the Realme GT2 Pro has no banning and no flicker there.

UI Performance

Gestures on both smartphones are fine. The animations can sometimes be slow and you get that little loading thing come up. This never happens with the GT2 Pro, it provides fast animations, and it is more stable.


The Xiaomi 12 Pro has got 120W charging and it has got a smaller battery, The Realme GT2 Pro has a 5000mAh. So, it is 400mAh more and still charges in 29 minutes at 65W (Xiaomi in 30 min), and that is not much of a difference at all, considering we have got almost double the wattage on the Xiaomi, but both of them are very fast. Their charging minutes are very close. Both of them provides high-performance.


There are big differences in battery life. Both ran with the same features, and you can get six and a half seven hours on screent time with the Xiaomi 12 Pro, but you can get around nine hours with the Realme GT2 Pro.


Considering both of the smartphones’ cameras, they both are similar to each other, 32MP on both of them, and you can get 1080p video on the front camera, which is a downside. Both of them have got electronic image stabilization and both of them have a disappointing audio quality.

Xiaomi 12 Pro can take videos at 8k at 24fps, 4k at 30fps, and 1080p at 60fps, while Realme GT2 can take videos with the same features. Images look good on both. The sharpness, the detail captured, and the stabilization are good on the Xiaomi 12 Pro and Realme GT2 Pro.

Which one is the Best?

Realme GT2 Pro has the better battery life, standby time, 2 battery drain that is better. It is more enjoyable. The Xiaomi 12 Pro has buggy animations, its standby time is worse than the Realme GT2. We think that the Realme GT2 Pro is better than Xiaomi 12 Pro in overall, but if you are looking for a new smartphone for camera, we can say that the Xiaomi 12 Pro is better.

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