Xiaomi 12S Ultra tested by DxOMark getting lower score than 11 Ultra!

We previously reported that the Xiaomi 12S series wouldn’t pass the DxOMark test, but Xiaomi has taken a step back and the results are now available! Xiaomi 12S Ultra has been tested by DxOMark!

Even though Xiaomi 12S Ultra has better hardware than Mi 11 Ultra but the older flagship has succeeded to have more score than 12S Ultra. Xiaomi 12S Ultra has an excellent pair of cameras for everyday use but it just falls short in a few key areas when compared to the other competitors.

DxOMark points out images from Xiaomi 12S Ultra is not consistent. Xiaomi 12S Ultra packs a great hardware overall but it’s not competing well in some areas related to the software.

In this portrait mode shot 12S Ultra misses the grid and it blurs out the fingers. On the other hand Mi 11 Ultra detects it correctly.

In this test they have taken the same scene for a couple times. Telephoto cameras still can’t compete well compared to the main camera sensors. They point out 12S Ultra gives inconsistent results even the scene is identical on these shots.

In this shot 12S Ultra is more noisy compared to Mi 11 Ultra. The leaves and the grid is much more cleaner on Mi 11 Ultra.

Mi 11 Ultra has more detail on a still video as well. It’s more obvious on the cropped image.

Portrait mode edge detection and other issues can be fixed by a software update so it seems Xiaomi needs to work more on the software side. There are lots of stuff they talk about in their test. You can read the full test made by DxOMark from this link: Xiaomi 12S Ultra Camera test.

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