Redmi Note 11S vs Redmi Note 11 Pro 4G Comparison | Which 108MP is better?

Users are wondering if we do a comparison of Redmi Note 11S vs Redmi Note 11 Pro 4G which one will win? There are many Xiaomi phones on the market that are worth taking a look at. Since there is a lot of variety among these smartphones, comparisons between them are fairly common. As they are two different phones with a lot of features that are similar, you might be curious about a Redmi Note 11S vs Redmi Note 11 Pro 4G comparison. With a comparison like this, you can get a clearer idea on which one of these phones is better, in terms of certain factors. So here we have put together a detailed comparison between these two Xiaomi smartphones. By taking a look at this detailed comparison, you can make a more informed choice when deciding between buying either of these phones.

Although on some areas, these two phones have different features, on many areas, these phones are quite like each other. So when trying to decide between picking one of them, you might have some trouble making a decision. However some of the differences between these two may make one of them more appealing to some users. After taking a look at our Redmi Note 11S vs Redmi Note 11 Pro 4G comparison, you can have a better idea about these differences. Therefore by knowing the important differences between these two similar products, you can make a decision that suits your preferences better. So let’s dive in and start comparing these two amazing Xiaomi phones.

Redmi Note 11S vs Redmi Note 11 Pro 4G Specs

Comparing two smartphones can be a difficult task. Because there are many different factors to consider in order to make a detailed comparison. Among these factors the technical specs of both of the phones is fairly important to check out. Since specs of a phone can affect its functionality to a great extent, they are crucial to know about. For example, even the simplest factors such as the size and weight of a smartphone, can impact its ease of use and the experience that it provides. So in our Redmi Note 11S vs Redmi Note 11 Pro 4G comparison, we are going to start out by examining the specs of these phones.

Redmi Note 11S
Redmi Note 11S Box

As we stated before the size and weight of a phone can affect its functionality. Also, these two factors are quite noticeable in a phone. So we are going to start our Redmi Note 11S vs Redmi Note 11 Pro 4G comparison with taking a look at these factors. Then we are going to examine the display features of both of these phones as well as their performance levels. Moreover we will see how they compare in terms of factors like battery life, internal memory capacity and camera quality. So in the following sections, we are going to take a detailed look into the technical specs of these phones and how they compare to each other.

Redmi Note 11 Pro Box
Redmi Note 11 Pro Box

Size and Basic Specs

When you are planning to buy a new smartphone you may want to check out the features of many different phones. Among these features the technical specifications may be very important to you. Because these features can greatly affect the experience that a smartphone can offer. One of these features that can really impact the experience is the size of the smartphone. While a larger phone may have a bigger screen, a smaller one may be easier to use for some people. Therefore a good way to start our Redmi Note 11S vs Redmi Note 11 Pro 4G comparison is to compare the sizes of these phones.

Redmi Note 11 Pro 4G Display
Redmi Note 11 Pro Display

Redmi Note 11 Pro 4G Size and Basic Specs

Firstly the dimensions of Redmi Note 11S are 159.9 x 73.9 x 8.1 mm (6.30 x 2.91 x 0.32 in). So it is actually a fairly small smartphone that can be quite easy to use for many people. Even if you have small hands, you can probably use this phone with one hand. On the other hand, Redmi Note 11 Pro 4G is larger than Redmi Note 11S. To be specific, Redmi Note 11 Pro 4G’s dimensions are 164.2 x 76.1 x 8.1 mm (6.46 x 3.00 x 0.32 in). So while it is larger than the other option, it is not a huge smartphone.

In terms of their weights, Redmi Note 11S weighs 179 g (~0.394 lbs / 6.31 oz) and Redmi Note 11 Pro 4G weighs 202 g (~0.445 lbs / 7.13 oz). Therefore if you are looking for a smaller and lighter phone, Redmi Note 11S is the better option between these two. However if you want a bigger phone Redmi Note 11 Pro 4G is the more suitable option for this requirement.


Another important factor to consider when comparing two smartphones is the display size as well as the display quality of these phones. Because when buying a new smartphone having good display quality is something that many people want. Since display features can affect the experience that a smartphone can provide, it is worth checking out. In terms of this factor Redmi Note 11 Pro 4G may be the better option.

Redmi Note 11 Pro 4G Display
Redmi Note 11 Pro 4G Display

Basically Redmi Note 11 Pro 4G has a 6.67-inch screen that takes up around 107.4 cm2 of space. Along with being the larger smartphone, this phone has a ~86.0% screen-to-body ratio. Therefore its screen size is bigger than the other one. As far as the screen size of Redmi Note 11S, it is 6.43 inches. With a ~84.5% screen-to-body ratio this phone’s screen takes up about 99.8 cm2 of space. So if you want a larger screen, out of these options, Redmi Note 11 Pro 4G is the winner.

However, display features are not just about the screen size of a phone. Along with that you may be wondering about the display quality of these phones. Redmi Note 11 Pro 4G has a Super AMOLED screen with 120 Hz refresh rate. Meanwhile Redmi Note 11S has an AMOLED screen that has 90 Hz refresh rate. Therefore we can say that in terms of display quality Redmi Note 11 Pro 4G is the better one out of these two options. Then another difference between these two smartphones in terms of display is the protection technology that they use. While Redmi Note 11 Pro 4G has Corning Gorilla Glass 5, Redmi Note 11S has Corning Gorilla Glass 3.

Performance, Battery and Memory

If we are going to make a fair and detailed Redmi Note 11S vs Redmi Note 11 Pro 4G comparison, the next factor that we should look at it the performance level of these phones. In terms of performance, we can’t expect to have much difference between these two. Because they have the same chipsets, the same octa-core CPU setups as well as the same GPUs. Also, even their operating systems are the same. To be specific, both of these phones have Mediatek Helio G96 as their chipsets. Then their CPU setups contain two 2.05 GHz Cortex-A76 and six 2.0 GHz Cortex-A55 cores. Besides, both of their GPUs are Mali-G57 MC2. So as far as performance levels, we can say that we have two equals here.

Redmi Note 11 Pro Performance, Battery and Memory
Redmi Note 11 Pro Performance, Battery and Memory

And then when we look at their internal memory and RAM configurations, we have got the same case again. Because both of these smartphones have three RAM and memory configurations that are the same. Firstly, each of them have one configuration that has 64 GB of storage space and 6 GB of RAM. Then they both have two options that have 128 GB of storage space, with one featuring 6 GB of RAM and the other one having 8 GB of RAM. Finally, in terms battery life length, there is no difference either, with both of the phones featuring a 5000 mAh battery. However, Redmi Note 11 Pro 4G supports fast charging 67W, compared to Redmi Note 11S’s fast charging 33W support.

Redmi Note 11S Performance, Battery and Memory


One of the most important factors that many potential buyers consider when researching a smartphone to buy is the camera quality of the options. Because if you frequently take photos, you might as well want to make sure that you are taking high quality shots. Therefore in our Redmi Note 11S vs Redmi Note 11 Pro 4G comparison, we are going to take a look at the camera setups of these smartphones.

Redmi Note 11 Pro 4G Camera
Redmi Note 11 Pro 4G Camera

Just like with the performance levels of these smartphones, the camera quality that they offer are the same. Because they have the same kind of cameras, both for their primary camera setups and their selfie cams. Firstly each of these options have a 108 MP, f/1.9, 26mm camera for their primary cams. Then as their secondary cams, they both have a 8 MP, f/2.2, 118˚ ultrawide cam, 2 MP, f/2.4 macro cam and a 2 MP, f/2.4 depth cam. With their primary camera setups, it is possible to take 1080p videos at 30 fps. Then as their selfie cameras, both of them have a 16 MP, f/2.5 camera that can also take 1080p videos at 30 fps.

Redmi Note 11S Camera
Redmi Note 11S Camera

Redmi Note 11S vs Redmi Note 11 Pro 4G comparison: Design

While the specs of these phones are fairly similar, their design features are slightly different. As it has a rounder shape Redmi Note 11S has a more casual and fun look. Meanwhile Redmi Note 11 Pro 4G looks more formal and has a slick appearance.

Redmi Note 11 Pro Design
Redmi Note 11 Pro Design

Then the Redmi Note 11S has three color options: Graphite Gray, Pearl White and Twilight Blue, while Redmi Note 11 Pro 4G also has three: Graphite Gray, Polar White and Star Blue.

Redmi Note 11S Design
Redmi Note 11S Design

Redmi Note 11S vs Redmi Note 11 Pro 4G comparison: Price

While most of the features of these two phones seem similar, there are slight differences. As far as their prices, Redmi Note 11S is currently available at around $252 and the Redmi Note 11 Pro 4G’s current price is about $293.

Redmi Note 11S vs Redmi Note 11 Pro 4G comparison Price
Redmi Note 11S vs Redmi Note 11 Pro 4G comparison Price

Although the prices may differ depending on which configuration you pick as well as the store you buy it from, Redmi Note 11 Pro 4G is currently the more expensive option. Also, don’t forget that these prices may change over time.

Redmi Note 11S vs Redmi Note 11 Pro 4G comparison: Pros and Cons

Here on our Redmi Note 11S vs Redmi Note 11 Pro 4G comparison, we took a very detailed look into the features of both of these phones. Then we compared these smartphones in areas such as their specs, design features as well as their current prices. However, after examining all of these factors you might have found yourself even more confused than before. Because there are many different factors to consider at once. Also, in many ways these two smartphones are fairly similar to each other. Therefore you might be finding it quite difficult to make a decision between the two.

Redmi Note 11S vs Redmi Note 11 Pro 4G comparison Pros and Cons
Redmi Note 11S vs Redmi Note 11 Pro 4G comparison Pros and Cons

So you may need to take a look at the pros and cons of both of these phones in comparison to each other. However, let’s not forget that the pros and cons in the following sections are not about the advantages and disadvantages of these smartphones compared to all the other phones. But these pros and cons are limited to only the advantages and disadvantages of these phones when we compare them to each other. So, let’s take a look at these lists and see the very few differences that these phones have between each other.

Redmi Note 11S Pros and Cons

This is how the pros and cons of Redmi Note 11S are.


  • In comparison to the other option, this phone is the smaller one. Therefore if you prefer a small phone this one might be the better choice.
  • A lighter phone than the other one.
  • Has a casual appearance and lively color options.
  • Compared to the other option, this one is the cheaper one.


  • Has a smaller screen and slightly less display quality than the other one.
  • Plastic back and framing.
  • Fast charging 33W, compared to the fast charging 67W of the other option.

Redmi Note 11 Pro 4G Pros and Cons

This is how the pros and cons of Redmi Note 11 Pro are.


  •  Compared to Redmi Note 11S, this one has a larger screen as well as somewhat better display quality.
  • Has glass front and glass back.
  •  Offers different colors than the other one and has a more formal and serious look.
  • Supports fast charging 67W, as opposed to fast charging 33W.


  • In comparison with the other option, this one is more expensive.
  • It is a larger smartphone than the other option, which some users may not like.

Redmi Note 11S vs Redmi Note 11 Pro 4G comparison Summary

After our Redmi Note 11S vs Redmi Note 11 Pro 4G comparison, you can see that these two phones are fairly similar on many levels. However, in some ways Redmi Note 11 Pro 4G may be better. For instance, it has a larger screen.

Redmi Note 11S vs Redmi Note 11 Pro 4G comparison Summary
Redmi Note 11S vs Redmi Note 11 Pro 4G comparison Summary

But if you want a smaller phone that is less expensive, Redmi Note 11S may be the better choice. At the end of the day, you can decide which phone you like better by considering your preferences.

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